1 Introduction

This is a brief guide to importing various data file formats into R.

The file formats covered here are:

  • Plain-text files (.CSV, .TSV)
  • Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (.XLSX)
  • Google Sheets
  • SPSS (.SAV)
  • STATA (.DTA), and

The following R packages are used in this guide:

  • readr1
  • data.table2
  • readxl3
  • googlesheets44
  • haven5

These can be installed using the install.packages() command:

1.1 Data frames

Data in R are typically stored as data frames where values are arranged into rows and columns akin to a table. Below are the first five rows of the example iris6 data frame that comes packaged with R:

##   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
## 4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
## 5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa

Data frames have a number of characteristics worth mentioning:

  • Each column constitutes a vector and like all vectors in R they must contain only a single data type, e.g., numeric, factor, logical, character, etc.
  • Each column however may store a different data type from other columns.
  • Each column is named and can be accessed by that name using dollar sign ($) notation. For example, iris$Sepal.Width returns the Sepal.Width column of the iris data frame as a vector.
  • Almost all R functions are built to accept data frames as input.

In the following examples, data is imported into R as data frames.

1.2 Tidy data

Before going further it is worth considering the arrangement of the values in your dataset as you import it. By this we mean what do the rows and columns of your dataset represent? In particular, I’d like to commend to you the so-called tidy data format.

Tidy data is tabular data that is organised such that:

  1. each observation has its own row,
  2. each variable has its own column, and
  3. each value has its own cell.

This is sometimes referred to ‘tall’ or ‘long’ form data because of its shape. By contrast you may have ‘wide’ data which, for example, has columns containing measurements of the same variable but taken at different time points.

Both wide or tidy are valid ways to store data but I’d argue that tidy data is easier to manipulate. This is the philosophy behind the omnibus of packages that constitutes the tidyverse bundle of R packages.

We will see examples of both kinds of data in this guide but the usage of R commands for transforming between these types is best covered in a separate tutorial.

1.3 Data used in this guide

The dataset used in this guide comes from Exploring Longitudinal Data on Change7 by Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett (2003), as accessed via the Textbook Examples page hosted by UCLA IDRE. It comprises survey data assessing the tolerance of teenage participants towards various deviant (!) behaviours.

2 Plain-text files

Plain-text files are human-readable files when opened in a simple text editor. The most commonly encounted plain-text data files are comma separated values or tab separated values, .CSV and .TSV respectively. These are highly portable and often the de facto file format for sharing datasets.

The readr package has three useful functions for reading plain-text data files:

  1. read_csv()
  2. read_tsv()
  3. read_delim()

Below is a preview of the contents of the .CSV file that we’ll be importing. Notice the commas , delimiting the values.

## "ID","TOL11","TOL12","TOL13","TOL14","TOL15","MALE","EXPOSURE"
## 9,2.23,1.79,1.9000000000000001,2.12,2.66,0,1.54
## 45,1.12,1.45,1.45,1.45,1.99,1,1.16
## 268,1.45,1.34,1.99,1.79,1.34,1,0.9
## 314,1.22,1.22,1.55,1.12,1.12,0,0.81
## 442,1.45,1.99,1.45,1.67,1.9000000000000001,0,1.1300000000000001
## 514,1.34,1.67,2.23,2.12,2.44,1,0.9
## 569,1.79,1.9000000000000001,1.9000000000000001,1.99,1.99,0,1.99
## 624,1.12,1.12,1.22,1.12,1.22,1,0.98
## 723,1.22,1.34,1.12,1,1.12,0,0.81
## 918,1,1,1.22,1.99,1.22,0,1.21
## 949,1.99,1.55,1.12,1.45,1.55,1,0.93
## 978,1.22,1.34,2.12,3.46,3.3200000000000003,1,1.59
## 1105,1.34,1.9000000000000001,1.99,1.9000000000000001,2.12,1,1.3800000000000001
## 1542,1.22,1.22,1.99,1.79,2.12,0,1.44
## 1653,1.11,1.11,1.34,1.55,2.12,0,1.25
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   ID = col_double(),
##   TOL11 = col_double(),
##   TOL12 = col_double(),
##   TOL13 = col_double(),
##   TOL14 = col_double(),
##   TOL15 = col_double(),
##   MALE = col_double(),
##   EXPOSURE = col_double()
## )

The read_csv() and all its cousin read_X() functions print out a summary of the data types it has detected and assigned to each loaded column. In this instance they are all doubles (sort for ‘double precision floating point number’) otherwise known as real numbers on the number line.

## # A tibble: 6 x 8
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1     9  2.23  1.79  1.9   2.12  2.66     0     1.54
## 2    45  1.12  1.45  1.45  1.45  1.99     1     1.16
## 3   268  1.45  1.34  1.99  1.79  1.34     1     0.9 
## 4   314  1.22  1.22  1.55  1.12  1.12     0     0.81
## 5   442  1.45  1.99  1.45  1.67  1.9      0     1.13
## 6   514  1.34  1.67  2.23  2.12  2.44     1     0.9

It would be worth doing some wrangling to correct some of the data types in this data. For example, id, male, and time are probably more sensibly treated as categorical variables or factors in R.

The sample .TSV file has similar content but of course delimited by tab characters:

## ID   TOL11   TOL12   TOL13   TOL14   TOL15   MALE    EXPOSURE
## 9    2.23    1.79    1.9 2.12    2.66    0   1.54
## 45   1.12    1.45    1.45    1.45    1.99    1   1.16
## 268  1.45    1.34    1.99    1.79    1.34    1   0.9
## 314  1.22    1.22    1.55    1.12    1.12    0   0.81
## 442  1.45    1.99    1.45    1.67    1.9 0   1.13
## # A tibble: 6 x 8
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1     9  2.23  1.79  1.9   2.12  2.66     0     1.54
## 2    45  1.12  1.45  1.45  1.45  1.99     1     1.16
## 3   268  1.45  1.34  1.99  1.79  1.34     1     0.9 
## 4   314  1.22  1.22  1.55  1.12  1.12     0     0.81
## 5   442  1.45  1.99  1.45  1.67  1.9      0     1.13
## 6   514  1.34  1.67  2.23  2.12  2.44     1     0.9

Lastly, the delim = argument to the read_delim() function allows us to specify a custom delimiting character. Below are the first seven lines of a mocked-up file using dollar sign $ delimiters:

## "id"$"age"$"tolerance"$"male"$"exposure"$"time"
## 9$11$2.23$0$1.54$0
## 9$12$1.79$0$1.54$1
## 9$13$1.9$0$1.54$2
## 9$14$2.12$0$1.54$3
## 9$15$2.66$0$1.54$4
## 45$11$1.12$1$1.16$0
## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##      id   age tolerance  male exposure  time
##   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     9    11      2.23     0     1.54     0
## 2     9    12      1.79     0     1.54     1
## 3     9    13      1.9      0     1.54     2
## 4     9    14      2.12     0     1.54     3
## 5     9    15      2.66     0     1.54     4
## 6    45    11      1.12     1     1.16     0

Notice that of the three datasets imported above, only the third (tol_delim) is in tidy format. The first two data frames have information stored in both their cells and their headers. For example, the column label TOL11 stands for tolerance value taken at age 11; it encodes the two variables ‘tolerance’ and ‘time’. In contrast, the tidy data frame splits out values for each time point into distinct rows and adds an extra column: ‘time’.

2.1 data.table package

Another function for importing plain-text data files is fread() in the data.table package. It is extremely fast and powerful and can often identify the delimiter characters automatically. Because of its speed I highly recommend it for reading large data files.

## 1:   9  2.23  1.79  1.90  2.12  2.66    0     1.54
## 2:  45  1.12  1.45  1.45  1.45  1.99    1     1.16
## 3: 268  1.45  1.34  1.99  1.79  1.34    1     0.90
## 4: 314  1.22  1.22  1.55  1.12  1.12    0     0.81
## 5: 442  1.45  1.99  1.45  1.67  1.90    0     1.13
## 6: 514  1.34  1.67  2.23  2.12  2.44    1     0.90

3 Microsoft Excel

In some disciplines Microsoft Excel spreadsheets are the standard file format to store and process data. However, since R offers many more complex analyses it may be worthwhile bringing that data over.

The readxl package contains the function read_excel() for reading in .XLS and .XLSX files.

## # A tibble: 6 x 8
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1     9  2.23  1.79  1.9   2.12  2.66     0     1.54
## 2    45  1.12  1.45  1.45  1.45  1.99     1     1.16
## 3   268  1.45  1.34  1.99  1.79  1.34     1     0.9 
## 4   314  1.22  1.22  1.55  1.12  1.12     0     0.81
## 5   442  1.45  1.99  1.45  1.67  1.9      0     1.13
## 6   514  1.34  1.67  2.23  2.12  2.44     1     0.9

One important distinction between Excel spreadsheets and ‘flat’ plain-text files is that the former may comprise several worksheets. To see the worksheets in an Excel spreadsheet use the excel_sheets() function:

## [1] "tolerance"    "tolerance_pp"

By default the read_excel() function reads the first worksheet in the .XLSX file. The sheet = argument specifies which worksheet to import, either the number or the name of the sheet.

## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##      id   age tolerance  male exposure  time
##   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     9    11      2.23     0     1.54     0
## 2     9    12      1.79     0     1.54     1
## 3     9    13      1.9      0     1.54     2
## 4     9    14      2.12     0     1.54     3
## 5     9    15      2.66     0     1.54     4
## 6    45    11      1.12     1     1.16     0

4 Google Sheets

One convenient way to store and share (non-sensitve) data is using Google Sheets. The package googlesheets4 is built for downloading online Google Sheets into local data frames and handles any Google authentication and sign-in.

The sheets_get() function retrieves the metadata about a Google Sheet.

##   Spreadsheet name: gapminder
##                 ID: 1U6Cf_qEOhiR9AZqTqS3mbMF3zt2db48ZP5v3rkrAEJY
##             Locale: en_US
##          Time zone: America/Los_Angeles
##        # of sheets: 5
## (Sheet name): (Nominal extent in rows x columns)
##       Africa: 625 x 6
##     Americas: 301 x 6
##         Asia: 397 x 6
##       Europe: 361 x 6
##      Oceania: 25 x 6
## (Named range): (A1 range)        
##        canada: 'Americas'!A38:F49

Knowing the names of the worksheets we can import them by name or number using sheets_read():

## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##   country continent  year lifeExp     pop gdpPercap
##   <chr>   <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 Albania Europe     1952    55.2 1282697     1601.
## 2 Albania Europe     1957    59.3 1476505     1942.
## 3 Albania Europe     1962    64.8 1728137     2313.
## 4 Albania Europe     1967    66.2 1984060     2760.
## 5 Albania Europe     1972    67.7 2263554     3313.
## 6 Albania Europe     1977    68.9 2509048     3533.

5 Other Statistical Software

The haven package has functions to import SPSS, SAS, and STATA files.

Use read_sav() or read_spss() to import SPSS .SAV files.

Use read_sas() to import SAS .SAS7BDAT files.

Use read_dta() or read_stata() to import STATA .DTA files.

6 More!

This guide has only covered a few of the data formats that R can accommodate. Other common sources of data include SQL databases, cloud-based APIs, and even scraping directly from webpages. Take a look at the ‘R Data Import/Export’8 manual for a broader summary of what’s available.

  1. readr package

  2. data.table package

  3. readxl package

  4. googlesheets4 package

  5. haven package

  6. Anderson, Edgar (1935). The irises of the Gaspe Peninsula, Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 59, 2–5

  7. Judith D. Singer, John B. Willett (2003), Exploring Longitudinal Data on Change, DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195152968.003.0002

  8. R Data Import/Export manual